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Volunteer Service Recognition Program

The Walton Volunteer Service Recognition Program honors seniors who have completed 180 hours of approved volunteer/community service hours with a special cord to wear at graduation.

Volunteer Service Recognition Program: About


How do students track their service hours?

Walton High School is using a new system this year called MobileServe to track and verify volunteer service hours. Click here to learn more about MobileServe.

What happened to X2Vol, the previous system used to track service hours?

Any service hours previously approved in x2Vol will be loaded into MobileServe later this year. Students must create their MobileServe account by Monday, September 11, 2023 for X2Vol hours to transfer.

How do students create a MobileServe account?

Students received an email titled "Community service tracker is now available" to their CCSD Outlook student accounts on August 15, 2023. The directions for setting up their MobileServe accounts are attached to that email. Only students can create a MobileServe account; parents/guardians cannot create MobileServe accounts for their students.

What email should be used when creating a MobileServe account?

Students must use their personal email addresses (e.g., gmail, hotmail, etc.) in their account creation and the correct grade level code listed in the directions they received to their CCSD Outlook email.

How many service hours do students need to complete to earn the volunteer service hour recognition cord at graduation?

Students must have 180 service hours verified and approved by April 15th of their senior year.

When are the deadlines to submit service hours for approval?

Students must submit their hours annually. Freshmen may begin counting their hours from August 1, 2023. Upperclassmen may include any summer 2023 hours in their submission this year. Service hours must be submitted annually by May 15th for underclassmen and April 15th for seniors.

Who do I contact with questions about the Walton Volunteer Service Recognition Program?

Dr. Rebecca England ( is over the Walton Volunteer Service Recognition Program. 

Who do I contact with technical difficulties/questions about MobileService?

Submit a request to the MobileServe Help Desk at

What do I do if my hours are not getting approved in MobileServe?

Supervisor emails may go to “SPAM” with some email systems. If your supervisor is not responding, please send the supervisor an email to let him/her know that they should have received an email and it might get directed to their SPAM file. The supervisor should search those folders for an email from MobileServe, not from the student. Students are responsible for getting their hours verified. If you cannot get the hours verified after a second request, please email for help.

Are service hours a requirement for graduation?

No. All students are encouraged to track their community service hours, although community service is not a graduation requirement.

Volunteer Service Recognition Program: Services
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